Wednesday 23 January 2008

Interim arrangement gets go ahead from minority parties

Interim arrangement gets go ahead from minority parties

*Agreement reached after several hours of deliberations last night
*JVP firm against devolution before crushing terrorism
*Final APRC proposal out soon

By Kelum Bandara -Daily Mirror lk 23-01-08
Minority parties, including the SLMC and the EPDP, who are represented in the All Party Representative Committee (APRC), yesterday endorsed the move by President Rajapaksa, to introduce an ‘interim arrangement’ for the resolution of the ethnic conflict through the Committee, including the proposal to hold Provincial Council elections for the Eastern Province that was de-merged from the North in 2006.
Initially some minority parties were at odds with the government for attempting to work out a report containing proposals for an ‘interim solution’ to the problem -- instead of evolving a credible power sharing formula as would be required for a final solution.
However, the APRC representatives who met the President last evening agreed to submit a report with recommendations for an interim solution. Chief among these proposals is the setting up of an interim administrative council for the Northern Province and conducting Provincial Council elections in the Eastern Province as provided for in the 13th amendment to the Constitution.
The proposals will be handed over to the President today, and he is expected to refer them to the authorities concerned to put them on a legal footing; and later to the Cabinet.
However, the APRC will continue with its mandate to work out the power-sharing proposals needed for the final solution. And the President has instructed the Committee to complete this task as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, a minority party representative told the Daily Mirror last night, that they did not object to the government opting for an interim solution, in terms of the provisions in the Constitution, at this juncture, while allowing the APRC to go ahead with working out a final solution.
The meeting, which lasted for several hours, was also attended by TULF leader V. Anandasangari and PLOTE leader D. Sitharthan, who are not represented in the APRC. The Committee has had 63 sessions so far.
In the meantime, the JVP, which is not in the APRC, said it was ‘foolish’ to set up even ‘Gam Sabhas’ (village councils) without first flushing out terrorism and establishing democracy in the conflict-ridden areas.
JVP parliamentary group leader Wimal Weerawansa said that the aspirations of the people in those areas would be met only if terrorism was flushed out.
“First of all, democracy should be established in those areas, after wiping out separatist terrorism. Otherwise, people’s aspirations cannot be fulfilled. The government should not take such decisions hastily giving into pressure by India or any another foreign nation,” he said.
Commenting on the Provincial Councils system, Mr. Weerawansa said, “these councils are not run by the separatist elements today. A knife which is used to chop vegetables can also be used to kill a person. When it is in the right hand, it will be used to chop vegetables. But, if a sinister element gets hold of it, it will be used to murder a person. The same thing will be experienced when power in a Provincial Council is held by a separatist group, with police powers, in terms of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.”

President assures: Speedy implementation of APRC proposals
The Government is committed to implement the political proposals that will be submitted by the All Party Representative Committee (APRC) as soon as possible,
President Mahinda Rajapaksa declared yesterday.
"It is up to the APRC to deliver it. I will act on the report as soon as I get it. I will persuade all parties to implement it. But it has to be practical and acceptable to all,"
President Rajapaksa told editors and senior media personnel at Temple Trees.
"The proposals are not for terrorists. These proposals are for the Tamils, Muslims and indeed Sinhalese - they too cannot be left out of the solution. We will address
their grievances. We have to work together."
"We have to go for a political solution. But there will be no room for terrorism. These are two different things. I don't believe in a military solution." "Terrorism is
terrorism. There are no good terrorists or bad terrorists. They want us to negotiate with the LTTE, but if it is al-Queda, it's a different story."
He said the Security Forces would continue to retaliate if they are hit and also strive to protect the South. The LTTE and certain other elements wanted to bring down
the Forces to Colombo from the North-East. Towards this end, there could be incidents in Colombo and elsewhere but the Security Forces are geared to face such
Other forces beside the LTTE could at work to create instability, as evidenced by two minor blasts in Colombo.
Practical problems would be encountered while striving for a peaceful solution, but once concrete proposals are on the table and if they are viable, the parties
currently out of the APRC would also inevitably have to join in.
He stressed that there was no pressure on him or the Government to deliver a solution. In his opinion, the 13th Amendment offered a basis for a solution, but the
Government would respect the majority decision of the APRC, whatever it is. The 13th Amendment, though in the law, has not been implemented and full powers
have not been given to the Provincial Councils.
The problem up to now has been that no proposals were allowed to be implemented. They burned the regional council proposals and ditched all other potential
solutions. The LTTE was against every proposal.
"I cannot impose my own proposals. Nor can the SLFP. It will be a collective effort, a democratic exercise."
He said the Government was keen to ensure that Northern and Eastern people governed themselves. The local elections will be held in the East, followed by
Provincial Council elections. As for the North, it will have to be cleared [of the LTTE] first. Then democracy can be restored.
Regarding the international community, the President said any country wishing peace in Sri Lanka "can join us".
As for the LTTE's pledge that they are prepared to uphold the CFA 100 per cent, the President said such statements cannot be trusted as they had violated the CFA
over 7,000 times. Many Tamil political leaders were killed during the CFA period.
He dismissed claims that the LTTE was the sole representative of the Tamil people. There are many other Tamil political parties, civil society organisations and social
organisations which act on behalf of the Tamil people.
Responding to a question on various armed groups, he said only the Forces and the Police are entitled to carry arms and all other groups are illegal.
He reiterated the Government's commitment to human rights, noting that Sri lanka was the only country in the world which appointed eminent independent observers
from foreign countries to oversee the rights inquiries. The Government is bringing in a Witness Protection Act. There has also been a drastic reduction in
disappearances and abductions.
He described the FBI's recent assessment of the LTTE as the world's deadliest terror group as an encouraging sign that the world is helping Lanka to fight terrorism.

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