Tuesday 29 January 2008

EELAM:Killing Field Of 'Paksa Fascists'.

SLA attacks bus carrying school children in Madu,

19 killed, 15 wounded

[TamilNet, Tuesday, 29 January 2008, 09:59 GMT]

11 school children, a teacher of Thadcha'naamaruthamadu Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School, the driver, conductor and two hospital workers were killed and 15
wounded when a Deep Penetration Unit of Sri Lanka Army triggered a Claymore mine targeting the bus carrying school children in Madu division of the Liberation
Tigers of Tamileelam controlled territory Tuesday at 2:25 p.m. The bus was 1 km away from Madu church, after having picked up the children at
Thadcha'naamaruthamadu and was on its way to Paalampiddi from Madu. Eight school children were among the 15 wounded.
Three of the dead bodies of students killed in the Claymore attackThe principal of the displaced Chinna Pa'ndivirichchaan school, S.M.G Lambert, 46, was one of
the 12 critically wounded, transferred to Muzhankaavil. He was one of the seven severely wounded patients who were later transferred to Ki'linochchi hospital. Two
of them succumbed to their injuries on the way. Dead bodies the two victims were handed over to Akkaraayan hospital.
Rev. Fr. Emilianus Pillai, from Madu Church, contacted by TamilNet, said tension prevailed at the attack site as SLA started firing artillery shells after the explosion,
causing panic among the civilians who helping the victims. The driver and conductor of the bus were killed in the attack.
The children of the staff working at Madu Church were attending the school at Thadcha'naamaruthamadu with displaced children, Fr. Emilinaus said.
A Catholic Reverend Sister from the Madu Church, identified as Sister Ranjani, was among the wounded.
Meanwhile, Tiger officials at the Mannaar Operations Command of the LTTE said they had spoiled several attempts by the SLA DPU teams to infiltrate and place
Claymore mines along the roads in Mannaar district within the last three months.
Names of the students killed in the Claymore blast follow (Initials and age of the deceases were yet to be registered by the hospital authorities):
Anton Sathees Tesmon Ajith Bernard George Jude Coston Rony Ganarthan Milton Bruno Rohan Samson
The names of the other deceased:
Latha (teacher at Thadcha'naamaruthamadu RCTMS) arasi Reeta (hospital employee) Jerad (driver of the bus) Stanley Lambert (conductor of the bus) Sundaram (security guard of the Madu hospital)
Wounded passengers:
Francis Xavier Mathusa, 15, student Sivalingam Anita, 16, student Ranjan Udoxika, 11, student Gunaseelan Boin Tharshana, 12, student Jeyaganesan Sobana, 23 Fuline, 08 Jenistan Peiris, 12, student A. Consita, 16, Reverend Sister Ranjani, 35, Nirushanthan, 08, S.M.G. Lambert, 46, principal of Chinnna Pa'ndivirichchaan school Antony Jacintha, 58, Packiyanathan, 55 Gunaseelan Gunaseeli, 48, A. Ganansooriyan, 35, Dharsika, 14, student Duluxan, 15, student
Massive development plan for North and East Irangika Range
The Government yesterday announced a massive development plan under the Reawakening programme to restore livelihoods through new agriculture and irrigation
projects aimed at a sustainable social and economic integration of the community in the Northern and Eastern Provinces.
The Reawakening project consists of four components. They are village development and rehabilitation, essential rehabilitation and improvement to select major
irrigation schemes, cluster level livelihood support activities and Institutional capacity building and project implementation support.
The main objective is to create confidence and self reliance among those segments to help them build up their lives and usher in social and economic stability even
under the conflict situation.
The project implementation will be carried out through the Ministry of Nation Building. The World Bank which has provided a huge sum as assistance through the
North East Irrigated Agriculture Project (NEIAP) I and II had found the results not visible for the past few years.
Therefore, the project was restructured and is expected to operate in a different modality instead of the conventional delivery mechanism.
Governor of the Eastern Province Mohan Wijayawickrama said terrorism has curtailed development in the North and East for the past few decades.
The Government using proper war strategies has been able to liberate the East from the clutches of the LTTE.
He said that the IDP resettlement is going on in a satisfactory manner. The project has provided a new lease of life for conflict affected families. It will empower and
harmonise civil society with sustainable livelihoods and good governance to improve the quality of life of the community in conflict affected areas.
He said that the development should be a people oriented otherwise people would not get real benefits. It is the reason for the restructuring of project addressing the
needs of the people live in conflicted areas.
He said the North and East is rich in agriculture diversification. Steps have been taken to support households undertake livelihoods for enhancing income and reducing
The infrastructure facilities will also be improved to be facilitated to the community needs. Nation Building and Estate Infrastructure Development Minister Jagath
Pushpakumara said reawakening has been restructured with an understanding of the community strength, skills and capacity.
It is proposed to give more authority and support to them to develop their own livehood development programmes along with the most needed infrastructure facilities
which has a direct impact on their activities.
Nation Building and Estate Infrastructure Development Minister Susantha Punchinilame said that people in the North and East suffer from various problems which are
very specific to them.
It is the reason for following the special ranking and the selection of the village. “We will give priority for the promotion of poor and vulnerable people in the village in
the North East”.
Deputy Minister of Higher Education M. M. Mohamed Musthaffa said the project is most welcomed and it expects to create massive development in the North and
As People’s representatives in the North and East, we had no opportunity to contribute to the NEIAP project though it was commenced eight years ago, said Plan
Implementation Minister P. Dayaratna. It is appreciated that the project has been formulated considering communities as responsible components of the project
Housing and Common Amenities Minster Ferial Ashraff said there should be a good rapport between the politicians and the people to implement development
projects. Politicians represent the people and they have to carry development accepted by the people.
PM appeals to media:
Refrain from misleading tourists Media must not misuse freedom:
Rohan Mathes
Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayaka cautioned the media to refrain from misusing media freedom and democracy to misreport events in the country in a way
that misleads tourists.
Premier Wickramanayaka was addressing the inaugural ceremony of Presidential Awards for Travel and Tourism, at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday.
He pointed out that tourism has become a crucial and a valuable foreign exchange earner for the economic well-being of the country and the attraction of more and
more tourists to our resplendent isle was solely in the hands of individuals for whom this event has been organised, as a measure of recognition and encouragement of
their talent, expertise and enthusiasm, and uplifting the tourist industry as a whole.
“There are those selfish and narrow-minded elements and interest groups with their own agendas who run this country down to discourage tourists from coming
here,” he said.
He was of the view that terrorism has now become a global phenomenon and the travelling polity has got accustomed to it.
Nonetheless, when isolated and sporadic incidents do take place in the country, certain sections of the media have gleefully twisted the essence of it and publicised it
as a blanket travel ban.
“They get a sadistic delight in denigrating their Motherland and causing damage to her interests. We will continue to be tolerant of the media, but we have no intention
of being tolerant of terrorism,” he said.
He accused certain Western powers of practising ‘double standards’ as regard to terrorism and terrorists.
“They want us to talk to and be nice to terrorists in our country, but they will not hear of talking to terrorists who threaten their own countries. For them, apparently,
there are good terrorists and bad terrorists. For us, all terrorists are bad. Terrorism is terrorism,” he added.
He asserted that terrorism would be eliminated before year end and urged all peace loving people to unite to fight the menace of terrorism and make tourism a more
pleasant business.
Tue, 29 January 2008 7:22:39
LBO >> Law Death Row 29 January 2008 06:10:47
More Sri Lankans sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia; no legal representation Jan 29, 2008 (LBO) -- Two more Sri Lankan have been sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia, media reports said, while Amnesty International said they were
convicted without legal representation on 'confessions' obtained under duress. Haleema Cadre from Kalmunai, a mother with an 8-year old son, her husband who is an Indian national and K M S Bandranaike from Kurunegala, has been
sentenced to death, Arabnews reported.
They were alleged to have been involved in an armed robbery and murder of an elderly Saudi woman.
Another five Sri Lankans have also been sentenced to five years in jail and 500 lashes related to the same offence.
They are: Singarayar Calithar Wimaladas from Trincomalee, Abdul Basheer Mohamed from Mathurankuli, Puttalam, Amir Jabbar from Sammanthurai, Rismiya
Abdul Haq from Kanatalai and Manickam Kulanthaivel Rosa from Kalmunai.
Amnesty international said Haleema was the mother of a young child.
"They have had no legal assistance at any time, even during trial and are believed to have confessed under duress," Amnesty said in a statement.
"None have had any legal representation whilst in detention or at any stage of the legal proceedings."
A Sri Lankan teenager who has been accused of murdering a child under her care is currently on death row. The Asian Human Rights Commission and well-wishers
had funded her appeal.
Four Sri Lankan were beheaded last year by sword were 'crucified' and put on public display, reports said. One of the beheaded was told he was serving a 15-year
prison sentence. Arabnews quoting unnamed sources said the son of the murdered Saudi woman was not happy with the sentence and had called for the other five
convicts to be given death sentences.
Sri Lanka's consul general in Jeddah Abdul Latiff Mohammed Lafeer, had said a 7-day limit given for a appeal was not enough and more time has been asked to
translate the verdict into English and seek legal opinion.
Lafeer said that those five persons who were sentenced to death fears that a higher court also condemn them to death following the request of the slain woman’s son.
He added that he personally handed over a copy of the verdict yesterday to Abdullah Al-Mattani, director of the Makkah branch of Saudi Human Rights
Commission seeking his organization’s assistance.
According to sources, the son of the murdered Saudi woman is not happy with the judgment and has called for the other five convicts to be given death sentences.
Amnesty says court proceedings in Saudi Arabia are far short of international standards and often take place behind closed doors.
"Defendants normally do not have formal representation by a lawyer, and in many cases are not informed of the progress of legal proceedings against them," Amnesty
"They may be convicted solely on the basis of confessions obtained under duress, torture or deception.
"The rate of executions in Saudi Arabia has recently increased sharply, and the authorities have executed at least 103 people so far this year, although the true figure
may be much higher." Sri Lanka has tight labour laws promoted by left-oriented politicians that hinder private sector economic activity and job creation at home.
Money printing by successive governments had led to chronic rupee depreciation and high inflation which also make foreign jobs attractive.
More than one million Sri Lankans now work abroad with little or no legal protection. Up to November last year they sent 2.2 billion dollars home.
A community of gypsies in Siyambalagaswewa, in the Horowpotana electorate, were given 100 houses by Nation Building Minister S. H. Chandrsena on Sunday
(27). Here a gypsy elder displays a traditional cobra dance while beneficiaries of his community watch him display his skill which is his main source of income.
Minister Chandrasena presented the keys to their homes. Pic by Gamini Munasinghe
APRC: Ten page proposals altered to two by President, says PNM
Tuesday, 29 January 2008 Deshamithra Jayasekera & Manjari Peiris
COLOMBO: The Patriotic National Movement (PNM) declaring its disproval of the All Party Representative Committee (APRC) proposals yesterday revealed that
the proposals were not by Prof. Tissa Vitarana or by the APRC but were by the President himself.
PNM head Prof. Gunadasa Amarasekera told the media that the APRC proposals were altered by President Rajapaksa. The initial document had been of ten pages
but after the alterations it has been reduced to only two pages. He further sated that the proposals only contained four points from which only one is important; which
stresses the importance of establishing Provincial Councils in the North and East.
"It will not succeed as a measure towards seeking a political solution to the national question. It will make things more complicated. Without militarily defeating the
LTTE there can be no solution to this problem," Amarasekera said. "We don’t oppose elections in the East but what we are trying to convince is that the area is still
not ready for such an advanced step," he added.
PNM General Secretary Wimal Weerawansa said the APRC proposals are only a document to please India, under the Indo-Lanka Agreement. He stressed that
they strongly believed in a solution to the ethnic conflict only after the North and East return to normalcy.
Speaking to THE COLOMBO POST on the handing over of the APRC’s interim report to the President by Prof. Tissa Vitarana, TULF leader Veerasingham
Anandasangaree explained why he was extending his support for the implementation of the 13th Amendment in full as a first step to a final solution as recommended
by the APRC.
"We had been agitating for a solution based on a federal concept and also offered to accept the Indian Model as an alternative, if the term ‘federal’ is allergic to
anyone," Anandasangaree said. He said the TULF had not changed its views on the matter and that of the merger of the North and East. He said no permanent solution could be found under a
unitary system. "We will continue to dispel the fears of those who think the country will be divided.
We will take all steps to erase from the minds of our people the idea of separation and strongly support the concept of a United Sri Lanka."
Anandasangaree assured the Tamils that there is no attempt to annihilate them. He pointed out that over the 20 years many opportunities had been afforded to the
LTTE to return to the negotiating table for which it did not pay any attention. "Instead they are destroying valuable human lives," he said adding, "Sri Lanka has
suffered enough and is living in constant fear and tension. I think they need relief now."
UNP Parliamentarian Dr. Jayalath Jayawardena said nothing has come out of the 63 APRC meetings held for the last one-and-a-half years. "There is nothing new in
the 13th Amendment or the Indo-Lanka Agreement. It is already in the present constitution. The present President who objected to it 21 years ago now seems to
have realized the reality of it. I notice that even the LSSP is not happy about it," said the usually outspoken MP.
Colombo District UNP Parliamentarian Ravi Karunanayake said, "You don’t need an APRC to propose the implementation of the 13th Amendment. We are still
waiting for the government’s proposals. We are pleasantly surprised that after 20 years it has been re-proposed."
"It is wrong to call this committee as All Party representatives Committee. Only government parties represented this committee," said JVP leader Somawansa
"The APRC proposals are like digging out a corpse buried in 1987. The people of this country at that time objected to the implementation of the 13th Amendment.
The President’s party too refused to accept it. They are trying to bring forward proposals that exceed the limits of Provincial Councils. This attempt will be
unsuccessful," Amerasinghe said.
"What we are requesting the government is to fully implement the Mahinda Chinthanaya. To approve a constitution there should be complete democracy. The people
should be able to air their grievances. To solve the ethnic problem, first terrorism should be eradicated militarily. The APRC proposals will not solve the problems of
the Tamil community but only enable power sharing among some political leaders. Therefore we will make every effort to defeat these proposals by taking action in
the economic, political and judicial sectors," he added.
Meanwhile Education Minister Susil Premajayantha said, "The three important aspects of the APRC proposals are to implement the 13th and 17th Amendments to
the Constitution, including recognizing Tamil too as an official language at provincial level." He said that in the meantime the LTTE should be militarily defeated. "There
are no obstacles whatsoever in implementing these proposals," he affirmed.
Social Services Minister Douglas Devananda said since President Premadasa’s regime everybody were discussing and proposing practical solutions to the ongoing
"Chandrika Kumaratunga and Ranil Wickremesinghe were looking into this issue in an unpractical manner. They were reluctant to implement the Provincial Council
(PC) systems. J.R. Jayewardena and Premadasa opposed the PC system proposed in the Indo-Lanka agreement. So the system collapsed. Ranil too saw it as
impracticable," Devananda said.
"It has been the practice of the opposition to always to oppose proposals by the governing party; even if they are good. Until Prabakaran leaves this world, we will
not be able to solve these problems amicably. It was President Mahinda Rajapaksa who looked at the problem in a more practical manner," he added.
The JHU is against the Provincial Council system, but it perceives holding of PC polls in the North and East as essential, said Environment Minister Champika
Ranawake. The Minister emphasized the importance of establishing an economic dynamo in the East.
SLMC leader Rauf Hakeem said this was only an endorsement or rubber stamp by the APRC, on the request of the President.
"As an interim measure the government is trying to implement the 13th Amendment to hold elections in the North and East. The 13th Amendment is not a new thing; it
is a part of the constitution."
"The government is trying to link the 13th Amendment to hoodwink the Tamil community while pursuing military operations. Terrorism should be completely
uprooted. Parallel to that there should be political proposals acceptable to the people of this country," Hakeem said.
15 SLA killed in Pa'ndivirichchaan clash - LTTE
[TamilNet, Sunday, 27 January 2008, 15:51 GMT]
Liberation Tigers Operations Command in Mannaar claimed Sunday that at least 15 Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers were killed and more than 30 SLA troopers
wounded Sunday evening in a five-hour fighting in Periya Pa'ndivirichchaan area in Mannaar where SLA launched a ground offensive Sunday noon into LTTE
controlled territory. Reporting that minor clashes were continuing in the area, the Tigers said a Deep Penetration Unit of the SLA with Claymore mines was defeated
in Chinna Pa'nadivirchchaan around 11:00 a.m. Sunday.
The LTTE seized a Claymore device and explosives in the clearing mission, Mannaar operations command of the Tigers told media in Ki'linochchi.
In the meantime, another offensive push by the SLA was thwarted at Mu'l'ikku'lam area in Mannaar, the Tigers said.
SLA troops were supported by heavy artillery and Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL) support fire from their bases.
Tigers repulse two pronged SLA offensive in Paalamoaddai
[TamilNet, Sunday, 27 January 2008, 15:16 GMT]
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) successfully repulsed Sunday around 3:45 p.m, a two pronged attempt by Sri Lanka Army (SLA) troopers to move
forward through two fronts to attack the Tiger sentry posts on the Forward Defence Line (FDL) in Paalamoaddai, in Mannaar district. The SLA retreated with
losses, Mannaar LTTE Field Operation Command said.
SLA, from its artillery bases in Mannaar, maintained fire into the LTTE area after their troopers pulled back, carrying the wounded.
LTTE combatants did not suffer any casualties in the counter attack.
Four pronged offensive by SLA in Ma'nalaa'ru thwarted by LTTE
[TamilNet, Saturday, 26 January 2008, 21:33 GMT]
Attempt by Sri Lanka Army (SLA) troopers Saturday afternoon 2:00p.m, to move forward through four fronts including Ma'nalaa'ru, Ma'nki'ndi Malai with heavy
artillery gunfire towards Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) bases was successfully thwarted by Liberation Tigers in a counter attack, LTTE sources said.
The fighting at Ma'nki'ndi Malai lasted nearly two and a half hours and the SLA is feared to have suffered several casualties, sources added.
SLA troopers unable to withstand the counter attack by LTTE withdrew to their bases carrying the wounded troopers. A large number of arms and ammunitions
were captured by LTTE during the encounter, Tigers said.
LTTE cadres did not suffer any causality during this successful counter attack.
The Sri Lankan government settled Sinhala civilians in the abandoned Tamil villages of Ma'nalaa'ru region, renaming it in Sinhala as Weli Oya, a translation of Ma'nal
Aa'ru (sand river).
Ma'nki'ndi Malai area was renamed Janakapura by Maj.Gen. (ret) Janaka Perera after the SLA forcibly evacuated the Tamils living there. Thousands of Tamil
residents were driven out of eighteen traditional villages in Ma'nalaa'ru and from the large old village of Thennamaravaadi almost overnight by the Sri Lankan army in

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